A centuries old dish, shepherd's pie originated in the British Isles as the potato gained popularity as an edible crop that the poor could actually afford. Plus, the meat portion of the dish could be any form of leftovers. The term 'shepherd' aptly described the most common ingredient in the dish, mutton (or lamb).
Here at Cork's, our Shepherd's Pie consists of a classic country stew with seasonal vegetables, lamb, and beef in a rich Jameson beef gravy finished with Yukon horseradish pureed potatoes. A little more extravagant than in 18th Century Ireland, and a little more delicious, we'd like to think!
A Christmas gathering would be the perfect venue for a warm, soul soothing dish of shepherd's pie to share. There are plenty of recipes out there for everyone, from the novice cook to the expert, so there's no reason not to give it a try. (A simple Google search alone brings up hundreds).
And, don't forget to let us know how it goes if you try your hand at shepherd's pie. (Remember, if it's still too much to attempt, Cork's can always make one for you too)!
Happy pie-ing!
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